Tuesday, May 3, 2011

how it all started

after long and draining arguments, preparations, and all the stuff that goes with it, i was finally married... happy ending, but there's a trick, its not an ending at all its the end of a phase and the beginning of the rest of your life, i still remember the shock of the first day after i returned from my honeymoon, to a messy apartment that needs cleaning and two weeks worth of laundry of two, and 2 meals in the fridge and then it hit me.......... i have to do EVERYTHING MYSELF ..(that wasn't the highlight of my marriage at all...lol)
trying to keep my work and manage a house was quite a task that i didn't get the hang of till this moment, and being the obsessive person that i am trying to go on with my life like nothing changed, which proved to be quite a challenge...
3 months after my wedding "big surprise" i was pregnant.... me , having a kid, i am a kid myself, i can barely keep it together... i remember all those thoughts running through my head. my husband was thrilled, he is one of those rare breeds of men who love kids, but hten again they dnt get pregnant do they, they dnt give birth and they certainly dnt wake up every 2 hours to breast feed or feed for that matter. on the other hand, my family were from indifferent to discouraging , i heard things like why now? its too early, why did you do that to urself just now, which are not exactly the things you want to hear while ur pregnant...
again i tried to go on with my life as if nothing changed, my pregnancy was more or less tolerable, except for the sleepiness and common symptoms, but over all leaving aside the terrible body image it was fine..
and 9 months later.... my baby was here

Monday, May 2, 2011

blogging again

time changed .. i changed.. and again i felt the desire to rant, i don't think anyone could relate unless they are new mums just like me, it might not make sense to other people, or one might think i am a psychopath, that is not the case, its just that life is not how it looks on a box of pampers or cerelac commercial, life is tough for mums and the only way to appreciate it is to go through it, cause most will not talk about it for fear of judgement.
hopefully my little monster would allow me to post later :)